Divdesmit gadus atpakaļ ļaudis sanāca kopā un mežā pie ezera, vaiga sviedros no nekā, uzbūvēja Kursu. Mēs šo tradīciju turpinām līdz pat šodienai. Katru gadu Piemiņas Dienas nedēļas nogalē mēs sanākam kopā, lai piedalītos Lielajā Talkā—pavasara tīrīšanā. Mēs svinam pavasari uzlabojot, uzturot un tīrot mūsu māju, lai to sagatavotu vasarai.
Iepriekšējie projekti
Build a new deck
- Volleyball and basketball court maintenance
- Landscape/trail maintenance
- Branch & brush gathering and burning
- Gather & stack firewood from downed trees
- Run water & electricity to fire pit/basketball court
- Fill holes in soccer field & around the amphitheater
- Volleyball and basketball court maintenance
- Re-seed lawn where needed
- Trail & bridge repair
- Repair the water damage in the dining hall
- Painting classrooms, pool house dorm & bathrooms
- Build and install dorm room message boards
- Build a fence around garbage dumpster pad
- General maintenance and upkeep