Once again, as tradition has it, we hosted Talka during Memorial Day Weekend. This year’s crew was a small but mighty bunch. Volunteers like these have kept our beloved facility in good repair for over thirty years, and this year was no different. The work is never ending, however, and each year I aim to strike a balance between our immediate needs and projects that improve the facility over the long term.
Kursa 2016
Rietumkrasta latviešu vasaras vidusskola Kursa ir piedzīvojusi brīnum gadu. Šogad mēs atsākām Kursas darbību ar prieku un dziļām pārdomām par latviešu izglītības nākotni ASV. Ceļš uz Kursu 2016. g. ir bijis garš un grumbuļains. Vai Kursa ir nepieciešama un kādēļ tai ir jābūt? Vai tā ir nozīmīga mūsu Amerikas latviešu sabiedrībai, vai tā vēl vienmēr saista jauniešus? Pēc sekmīgas un veiksmīgi īstenotas vasaras programmas, varam skaidri un gaiši redzēt, kāpēc Kursai jābūt.
Annual Report 2015: A Strong Community of Many Talents
Each year I am humbled by your generosity, your eagerness to lend a helping hand and your readiness to give even more than you ever thought you could. 2015 tested us and reminded us that we are a strong community of many talents.
-Kārlis Grendze, WCLEC Board President