On March 17, 2018 the annual meeting of the board of directors for the West Coast Latvian Education Center was held at the Seattle Latvian Community Center. According to our Bylaws, this meeting is to be held on the last Thursday of the month of March. In recent years we have held this meeting on a weekend prior to the last Thursday to make it more convenient for the board directors. Although our Bylaws state that we must meet annually; we typically try to gather once a month in order to keep up with current events.
On the agenda was the annual board of directors’ election. Up for reelection were Marisa Turaids (formerly Way-Rogainis), Iveta Ava, and Karlis Grendze. According to our Bylaws (Article II-Section 2) board directors are elected by a majority vote of the directors of the corporation and all three we reelected for another three year term (Article II Section 3). Attending the meeting was Karlis Grendze-President, Marisa Turaids-Vice President, Valdis Rikstins-Secretary, Ivars Graudins-Tresurer, directors Valdis Atvars, Inese Graudins, Iveta Ava, and guests Maija Rikstins, and Harijs Saukants. Attending via teleconference was Indra Ekmanis and Maris Berzins.
The Board of Directors looks forward to serving you, our supporters, for another year. Feedback is always welcome and the meetings are open to all. Contact any director for time and location of the next meeting.
-Karlis Grendze, President